In the spring of 1943, a few laborers in God’s vineyard banded together and formulated plans to organize a Colored Methodist Episcopal Mission (changed in 1956 to Christian Methodist Episcopal Church). The group’s spirited efforts commenced with a God-inspired leader of Beebe Tabernacle CME Church, the Reverend L. S. White, who foresaw the need for a CME Church in the southeastern section of Houston. They named it Metropolitan C.M.E. Church.
Reverend White and some pioneer members met in the home of “Mother” Smiley, 3260 Simmons St., for fervent prayers and planning. These members included: Sis. M. Beasley, Orgetta Jackson, Professor J. B. Ranson, Sis. Minnie V. Smiley, Eliza Smiley, Rev. Alberta Venerable, Mrs. Lula Clark, Mrs. Ethel Barcus, Mrs. Anna Mae Thomas, Mrs. Nealure B. Kellog, Mrs. Susie Coleman, Mrs. Esther Payne, Mr. Jessie and Mrs. Johnnie Mae Session, Mrs. Willie Mae Adams and Mrs. Mildred Behn. Their faith and work made a dream become a reality.
Rev. White and the dedicated group secured the property located at 3335 Holman St. under the administration of the late Bishop R. A. Carter. Services began June 10, 1943. The Reverend Robert Venerable served the Mission until a permanent pastor was assigned. Rev. H. J. Gilland was the first appointed pastor.
Metropolitan came into full church status in 1951, under the leadership of the Rev. Paul Young. Physical changes were accomplished for the building and the cornerstone was laid.
In October 1969, Metropolitan Christian Methodist Episcopal Church relocated to 6424 Cullen under the leadership of Dr. R. L. Finney. Norris S. Curry was the presiding bishop and Robert R. Northcutt the presiding elder. Ironically, the Rev. R. Theo Cunningham, pastor of BeBee Tabernacle in 1969 – gave the important affirmative vote for the move.
On December 25, 2005 (Christmas Day-Sunday morning) the church structure, which housed the sanctuary and administrative offices at 6424 Cullen Boulevard, was completely destroyed by fire. The church’s administrative office was temporary relocated to 7553 South Freeway in early 2006. For a two week period, Sunday Morning Services were held at Frost Elementary School, 5650 Selinsky Road. Beginning late January 2006, services were held on the campus of St. Agnes Baptist Church, Small Dome Building, 10800 Scott Street @ South Acres, Houston, Texas 77047, Bishop Gene Moore, Pastor.
On Sunday, June 7, 2009 services were held in the newly built facility located at 8955 South Freeway (Hwy 288) @ Reed Road, Houston, TX 77051. Our pastor at this time was Rev. W. Edward Lockett who was instrumental in the design and building of this "state of the art" facility. (Rev. Lockett became Bishop Lockett at the General Conference in 2010).
Since its inception, Metropolitan has received a host of appointees who have tried to hold high the Christian banner. Although the banner has wavered at times with much difficulty, the church family can still sing with pride, “We’ve come this far by faith – leaning on the Lord”.
· 2014 - Present Rev. Allen Page, III
2010 to 2014 Rev. Dr. Bobby R. Best
· 1984- 2010 Rev. W. Edward Lockett
· 1981-1984 Rev. Henry Q. Dickerson
· 1980-1981 Rev. R. Theo Cunningham
· 1979-1980 Rev. Robert Marshall
· 1978-1979 Rev. R. Theo Cunningham
· 1975-1978 Dr. Ruben Sheeler
· 1969-1975 Dr. R. L. Finney
· 1963-1966 Rev. Oran A. Rowe
· 1962-1963 Rev. L. D. Jackson
· 1960-1962 Rev. E. A. Strong
· 1959-1960 Rev. Curtis Brown
· May 1959- Annual Conference Rev. L.P. Gray*
· 1955-1959 Rev. L.R. Proctor
· 195 1-1955 Rev. Paul Young
· 1951 Rev. Mrs. L. H. Hart*
· 1949-1951 Rev. T. H. McCoy
· 1946-1949 Rev. A. H. Johnson *
· 1946 Rev. Willie McLemore (did not serve)
· 1945-1946 Rev. L. R. Johnson
· 1944-1945 Rev. F. W. Haynes
· 1943-1944 Rev. H. J. Gillard & Rev. Ford
· Spring 1943-Annual Conference Rev. L.S. White & Rev. Roberta Veneable*
Reverend White and some pioneer members met in the home of “Mother” Smiley, 3260 Simmons St., for fervent prayers and planning. These members included: Sis. M. Beasley, Orgetta Jackson, Professor J. B. Ranson, Sis. Minnie V. Smiley, Eliza Smiley, Rev. Alberta Venerable, Mrs. Lula Clark, Mrs. Ethel Barcus, Mrs. Anna Mae Thomas, Mrs. Nealure B. Kellog, Mrs. Susie Coleman, Mrs. Esther Payne, Mr. Jessie and Mrs. Johnnie Mae Session, Mrs. Willie Mae Adams and Mrs. Mildred Behn. Their faith and work made a dream become a reality.
Rev. White and the dedicated group secured the property located at 3335 Holman St. under the administration of the late Bishop R. A. Carter. Services began June 10, 1943. The Reverend Robert Venerable served the Mission until a permanent pastor was assigned. Rev. H. J. Gilland was the first appointed pastor.
Metropolitan came into full church status in 1951, under the leadership of the Rev. Paul Young. Physical changes were accomplished for the building and the cornerstone was laid.
In October 1969, Metropolitan Christian Methodist Episcopal Church relocated to 6424 Cullen under the leadership of Dr. R. L. Finney. Norris S. Curry was the presiding bishop and Robert R. Northcutt the presiding elder. Ironically, the Rev. R. Theo Cunningham, pastor of BeBee Tabernacle in 1969 – gave the important affirmative vote for the move.
On December 25, 2005 (Christmas Day-Sunday morning) the church structure, which housed the sanctuary and administrative offices at 6424 Cullen Boulevard, was completely destroyed by fire. The church’s administrative office was temporary relocated to 7553 South Freeway in early 2006. For a two week period, Sunday Morning Services were held at Frost Elementary School, 5650 Selinsky Road. Beginning late January 2006, services were held on the campus of St. Agnes Baptist Church, Small Dome Building, 10800 Scott Street @ South Acres, Houston, Texas 77047, Bishop Gene Moore, Pastor.
On Sunday, June 7, 2009 services were held in the newly built facility located at 8955 South Freeway (Hwy 288) @ Reed Road, Houston, TX 77051. Our pastor at this time was Rev. W. Edward Lockett who was instrumental in the design and building of this "state of the art" facility. (Rev. Lockett became Bishop Lockett at the General Conference in 2010).
Since its inception, Metropolitan has received a host of appointees who have tried to hold high the Christian banner. Although the banner has wavered at times with much difficulty, the church family can still sing with pride, “We’ve come this far by faith – leaning on the Lord”.
· 2014 - Present Rev. Allen Page, III
2010 to 2014 Rev. Dr. Bobby R. Best
· 1984- 2010 Rev. W. Edward Lockett
· 1981-1984 Rev. Henry Q. Dickerson
· 1980-1981 Rev. R. Theo Cunningham
· 1979-1980 Rev. Robert Marshall
· 1978-1979 Rev. R. Theo Cunningham
· 1975-1978 Dr. Ruben Sheeler
· 1969-1975 Dr. R. L. Finney
· 1963-1966 Rev. Oran A. Rowe
· 1962-1963 Rev. L. D. Jackson
· 1960-1962 Rev. E. A. Strong
· 1959-1960 Rev. Curtis Brown
· May 1959- Annual Conference Rev. L.P. Gray*
· 1955-1959 Rev. L.R. Proctor
· 195 1-1955 Rev. Paul Young
· 1951 Rev. Mrs. L. H. Hart*
· 1949-1951 Rev. T. H. McCoy
· 1946-1949 Rev. A. H. Johnson *
· 1946 Rev. Willie McLemore (did not serve)
· 1945-1946 Rev. L. R. Johnson
· 1944-1945 Rev. F. W. Haynes
· 1943-1944 Rev. H. J. Gillard & Rev. Ford
· Spring 1943-Annual Conference Rev. L.S. White & Rev. Roberta Veneable*