Take a moment and look at the ministries listed in the below. How exciting to see so
many ministry opportunities! As you look through the list and read about all the wonderful
things God is doing through the people of Metropolitan Church, you may be surprised to find
out how much has been going on behind the scenes. But if you are looking to get plugged in to a
place of service that matches your talents and abilities, you're in the right place. With so much to
choose from, you're sure to find something that you are passionate about.
many ministry opportunities! As you look through the list and read about all the wonderful
things God is doing through the people of Metropolitan Church, you may be surprised to find
out how much has been going on behind the scenes. But if you are looking to get plugged in to a
place of service that matches your talents and abilities, you're in the right place. With so much to
choose from, you're sure to find something that you are passionate about.