MEDIA CONSENT All members, visitors and guests, while on the premises of the Metropolitan C.M.E. Church , give The Met and its affiliates, employees, agents, volunteers, subsidiaries and authorized vendors the right to record their and any accompanied minor’s images, likeness and/or voice, and give The Met the right to use these sound, still, or moving images and voice in any and all media, now or hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever.
A release to The Met and its affiliates, its employees, agents, volunteers, subsidiaries, and authorized vendors is granted for all rights to exhibit this work in all media, including electronic form, publicly or privately. The rights, claims or interest controlling the use of identity or likeness in the sound, still or moving images is waived and any uses described herein may be without compensation or consideration.
A release to The Met and its affiliates, its employees, agents, volunteers, subsidiaries, and authorized vendors is granted for all rights to exhibit this work in all media, including electronic form, publicly or privately. The rights, claims or interest controlling the use of identity or likeness in the sound, still or moving images is waived and any uses described herein may be without compensation or consideration.