In the picture below the Kindergarteners' of Young Preparatory Academy would like to thank the
Metropolitan Church Family by showing the books received the Angel Tree Project. We were able to reach our goal of providing books to a Kindergarten class as well as families in need of toys, clothing, etc.
President – Demetria Williams
Vice President - Rita Washington
Secretary – Nanette Lewis
Assist Secretary – Tywanna Glapion
Treasurer – Brenda Davis
Metropolitan Church Family by showing the books received the Angel Tree Project. We were able to reach our goal of providing books to a Kindergarten class as well as families in need of toys, clothing, etc.
President – Demetria Williams
Vice President - Rita Washington
Secretary – Nanette Lewis
Assist Secretary – Tywanna Glapion
Treasurer – Brenda Davis
Shopping Trip to San Marcus
Bring a Young Adult to Church Sunday

Photo caption: 2014 Pauline B. Grant Status of Women award recipients, l-r, La Toya Johnson, Robin Raquel Sweet, Amanda Johnson, Micole Williams, Haley A. Wright and LaRonda Walker (Samisha Davis, not pictured).
Photo credit: Derrell Daniels, photographer
Christian Girls Rock
The editor of Empower magazine attended our WMS Observance Sunday worship services on August 31, 2014 at Metropolitan. Our WMS President Michelle Mathis and I learned after the service that evening, that the editor was impressed with the service and especially the CGR story, the DVD/photographs and how the project originated. We are reminded of Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” We become mindful that, “you never know who’s watching you (and listening)”. That being said---the story has been featured in the Fall issue of the Empower magazine----currently online and the printed version to come. The online version was published this week and we are forwarding the link for your convenience in reading and sharing. We will be notified when the Fall issue of Empower Magazine featuring the print article is published.

The Lillie Lockett - Jackie Best Prayer Garden
Members of the Women's Missionary
Society are hard at work on the prayer garden that will be named in honor of our former First Lady, Mrs. Lillie Lockett and current First Lady, Mrs. Jackie Best. Those present for the initial ground breaking are President, Michelle Mathis along with Shandra Smith, Elayne McClendon, Susie Stephens, Ardyth Guyer and Peggy Robinson. Mr. Kevin Wheeler has been instrumental in helping the ladies get this project off the gound.
Members of the Women's Missionary
Society are hard at work on the prayer garden that will be named in honor of our former First Lady, Mrs. Lillie Lockett and current First Lady, Mrs. Jackie Best. Those present for the initial ground breaking are President, Michelle Mathis along with Shandra Smith, Elayne McClendon, Susie Stephens, Ardyth Guyer and Peggy Robinson. Mr. Kevin Wheeler has been instrumental in helping the ladies get this project off the gound.