Saturday, July 20, 2024
Ellington Airport
11602 Aerospace Ave, Houston, TX
9:00 am- 10:00 am registration
Greetings Metro Family!
Planning on joining us?
Pre-registration and parental consent are needed for youth who’ll "fly” in The Children’s Fly-in.
Youths 8 -18 (or a little older) are welcome to board. But everybody is welcome to come out and join the fun!
Register this Sunday after services or send a confirmation email to [email protected] with the number of youth you’ll bring to the Fly-in. You can also send an email with any follow-up questions you have.
This annual FREE outreach program is proudly sponsored by
The Bronze Eagles Flying Club of Texas (BEFC),
a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting aviation, and is an affiliate of the Black Pilots of America.
Join us!
Yolonda Foulkes
Ellington Airport
11602 Aerospace Ave, Houston, TX
9:00 am- 10:00 am registration
Greetings Metro Family!
Planning on joining us?
Pre-registration and parental consent are needed for youth who’ll "fly” in The Children’s Fly-in.
Youths 8 -18 (or a little older) are welcome to board. But everybody is welcome to come out and join the fun!
Register this Sunday after services or send a confirmation email to [email protected] with the number of youth you’ll bring to the Fly-in. You can also send an email with any follow-up questions you have.
This annual FREE outreach program is proudly sponsored by
The Bronze Eagles Flying Club of Texas (BEFC),
a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting aviation, and is an affiliate of the Black Pilots of America.
Join us!
Yolonda Foulkes